Lead Paint Removal Melbourne
In the past there has been considerable media attention on the issue of lead paint Melbourne but as new paint no longer contains lead the public have been led to believe that lead in paint is no longer an issue. Far from it, lead paint can still be around all of us daily; it is still hazardous if not dealt with in a cautions manner, particularly when stripping paint work on an older property. The decision to remove lead paint from a pre-1970s property should be taken after careful consideration. Those undertaking the removal must avoid producing dust, seal off the area, clean thoroughly after stripping and make sure children and pregnant women are away from the property when the stripping is taking place. There are three viable paint stripping options to remove the threat from your property suggested by the British Coatings Federation to deal with lead paint: 1. Chemical paint stripping - a method of stripping paint off wooden surfaces that involves applying a c...